The objective of this conference is to bring together different actors of the food system and to explore paths for a long-term strategy on the country's food resilience, while trying to respond to the current challenges at the territorial level.
Innovation in favour of sustainable development
Supporting the CSDD in the implementation of its ideas and initiatives
INFINO, Initiative for Sustainable Development
Initiativ fir Nohaltegkeet
The priority objective of the association INFINO (Initiative fir Nohaltegkeet – Initiative for Sustainable Development) is to support and assist in the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations Agenda 2030. INFINO is an initiative of the Council for Sustainable Development (Nohaltegkeetsrot). According to the law of 25 June 2004 on the coordination of national sustainable development policy, the CSDD is missioned to advise the Government on sustainability issues and thus act as a ‘think-tank’. INFINO fulfills a complementary role as a ‘do tank’, carrying out and promoting concrete actions and projects.
INFINO’s activities are guided by the current government policy in the field of sustainable development, such as the National Plan for Sustainable Development. Faced with the many desires to act in favour of development for a fairer and environmentally sound society, INFINO strives to constitute a platform gathering cross-sectoral expertise and explore together how the implementation of the SDGs can be optimally furthened.
INFINO’s main lines of action are thus notably
- driving innovation in favour of sustainable development
- carrying out projects in line with the SDGs, such as awareness campaigns, calls for projects, networking of different stakeholders, etc.
- facilitating discussion platforms and research projects
- supporting the CSDD in the implementation of its ideas and initiatives.
The members of INFINO’s board
- President : Francis Schartz
- Vice-presidents : Claudine Lorang, Norry Schneider
- Trésorier : Raymond Schadeck
- Secrétaire : Marguy Kohnen
- Members : Hedda Pahlson-Moller, Romain Poulles, Marie Kremers, Francisca Rocha, Joëlle Welfring, Paul Schosseler, Raymond Weber, Jean Stoll
- Réviseurs de caisse : Véronique Schons, Xavier Blouin